Monday, January 18, 2010

a random ramble...

so! the new semester starts tomorrow and i'm excited, but nervous at the same time. for me, a new semester always seems like a new school year. it's not so much what if the "other kids don't like me" i just register for classes, i couldn't care less if someone i knew was in it or not. i've always made friends in most of the classes i've taken. it's just something new--more of an excited nervousness. i've always felt at home on campus anyway, i'm just nervous about what the semester might hold.

this semester, though, i can't help but wonder if i'm spreading myself a little too thin. i'm taking 5 academic classes and a phys ed class for a total of 18 units all on top of work. i honestly, hope i'm able to finish all the courses. i'm going heavy this spring because i only took one class this fall, and don't want to take summer courses because i know i hope to be traveling. one of my main goals for this year is to finish most of my transfer requirements so i can transfer in the fall of 2011. i'm so sick of ridgecrest and albertson's i'm sooooo ready for something new. something exciting. i honestly hope i'm able to do well this semester. i don't see a reason why i shouldn't. it's really going to be a test of my endurance and to see if i can really keep my resolution to apply myself. i KNOW i'm smart enough, but sometimes i can't help but wonder if it's my fear of failure that stops me from achieving my goals. that's something that i definitely need to work on. it's my fear of failure that's stops me from taking risks. well, that's definitely something that i know i'm going to need to work on. i say nonchalantly. ha! really though. i DO need to work on it. even if i fail, i can rebound so i can say at least i tried right?

on the note of failure, i broke my "diet" yesterday. i had a few cookies at work yesterday to help cope with the horrible stuff that was course of my day. it was horrible, and i do feel like a failure. i need to keep that kind of food away from me. i have to admit to, that today i had popcorn at the movie that's a huge no-no. sure i didn't have added butter, but still lots of calories. and i had piece of my mom's pineapple upside down cake. and i didn't go for my walk/run today either. these last 2 days were full of failures and i feel guilty about it. if i'm admitting to it, that a step forward right? i need to not get stuck in this cycle. i also need to start going to bed at the same time every night to help my sleep cycle. the last week it has been really random.

and on that note, i'm going to bed. some horrible person let me register for an 8am class (whisper it was me whisper lol)

question of this blog: what do you feel are some of your biggest failures and how did you cope with them? leave them in the comments below. i promise to not judge. =)

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