Sunday, January 10, 2010

i got to thinking the other day about why we attach ourselves to other people or more so why i got obsessed with a particular musician. if you know me at all, you should know by now: eric hutchinson. i really have no idea why i got so obsessed. obsessed isn't the right word, but it's the one that fits. my history with hutch is kind of a short one. i discovered him on rkop back in late 2006, and have been a fan ever since. the question isn't why i became a fan. his music is super awesome. what's not to like? it's a question of why i attached myself like a barnacle on a ship to his career. i apologize for the really bad metaphor, but that pretty much what happened. i've watched his career blow up since the release of sounds like this. and all the press perez hilton has given him. hell, i still street team like he's an undiscovered gem waiting for his big break (again with the really bad metaphor! sorry!). there could be many reasons why. we could be kindred souls. if you believe in that stuff of course, which i do. you can't know the connections i've made with people i've never even met before without having some sort of past life experiences. it could be i abso-positively love his music. i could just be a really crazy person who gets obsessed over certain things, but then i have to ask myself, why eric? why not todd carey? i discovered his music around the same time, or why not a bunch of other musicians i discovered over this wonderful thing called the internet. my first musical obsession ever was 'n sync. so why am in not harboring an unhealthy obsession of justin timberlake or putting all of my hope into an 'n sync reunion? i guess when someone is super fantastical as eric is hard not get obsessed over him. maybe?

i know i'm a huge jason mraz fan too, but i never felt the same way about mraz the way i felt about hutch. to be honest, without the connections i've made through jason mraz, i wouldn't know the people i know, i wouldn't be so into eric hutchinson. i honestly don't know who i would be without the connections i've made through him and that's okay. i'm still somewhat obsessed with mraz, but i never felt the way i did about him the way i did about hutch and that's what's making me wonder about why.

please, leave any insight on why or how i got to be this way in the comments below. or just say hi. if you never heard of eric hutchinson check him out:

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah, that's how I feel... lol I'm a barnacle baby and he can't scrape me off I'm STUCK. lol You're cute, write more! I'm gonna follow you. :) Gotta find D now.
