Friday, January 22, 2010

life is good friday: number two

i know this is only life is good friday number 2, but i'm really liking this. it has really opened my eyes to finding the little parts in life that makes life good. i had a really bad day at work on sunday, and had to turn around monday morning and do it all over again, but monday i found my happiness in little things that made the day go smoother. i wrote a note and left it my pocket to remind me why life is good. i still have it, and i'll include it in my list for this week.

life is good because i have a giant cup of coffee to help wake me up. to me, coffee is more a comfort, not so much as a wake up drink.

life is good because eric hutchinson makes music and i discovered it.  this is one of the monday morning ones that i wrote and left in my pocket. it seemed especially good to me that monday because his whitney houston covers and his dionne warwick cover sounded extra appealing in my ear that morning. there's always an eric hutchinson song for any part of life, and it's ALWAYS appropriate to sing along at the top of your lungs.

life is good because i won a signed copy of anya marina's slow and steady seduction: phase 2 through a twitter contest she was having. that was pretty cool, especially because i hardly ever win anything.

life is good because i found an old jason mraz t-shirt i forgot i had.  i was going through my music today orders to see when was the last time i ordered merch (april of 07), and saw that i ordered this shirt, but had no idea which one it was. thanks to jenna's help, i remembered which one it was. now all that was left to do was find it. which i did. outside. in an old laundry basket of stuff that used to be in my mom's closet, which she put outside months ago. thankfully, the shirt just needed to be washed.

life is good because i bought a ticket to see jason mraz in long beach on february 27. i know i'm broke, but i honestly think that seeing mraz solo acoustic is worth it. even if it's the week after i see bob. i will figure out how to pay for it later

life is really good because i just found eric hutchinson's subtitles music video on youtube. it was gone for a few years, but someone uploaded it. totally brings back memories. seriously, i found it while in the middle of writing this blog. enjoy:

that's my life is good for this week. why was your life good this week?

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