Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 resolutions

here are a few changes i would like to make for the following decade:

  • Be healthier: i know it seems like everyone and their grandma goes on "diets" on january 1, but as soon as it hits around january 10, they're back to the same eating habits. i'm not going to "diet" i'm going to choose to be healthy. i'm going to cut out a lot of processed food, exercise more, and learn yoga (!) i've always wanted the learn yoga, so i'm going to look for good dvd's and such and finally learn! one thing i'm not going to do though is diet. that word is pure evil. i'm going to cut out a lot of out of the box frozen/off the shelf food and fast food. i have had this book for a while now, and if i want something from the drive-thru i better cook it myself. i'm not saying i'm going to NOT go to taco bell at all and when i do i'm going to make smarter choices about what i'm putting into my body.
  • Apply myself: just today i found my sixth grade report card, and one of the comments was: does not work to the best of her ability or something along those lines and it got me thinking. at the turn of the decade i was in the sixth grade. i have spent the last ten years not applying myself. if i had only applied myself i'd be graduating college in june, instead of just figuring out what i'm going to with my life. there's not telling what i could be doing right now if i'd only applied myself. i'm not saying that not applying myself is a bad thing, as with most choices, there's good and bad. if i'd applied myself, i would have paid more attention in my classes instead of screwing around online, and i probably wouldn't have found the wonderful people at rkop. some of the people i probably would have met eventually, but still, i can't imagine life without them even though i mostly lurk at the board now. it's a whole butterfly effect, and i'm taking the good with the bad. i still can't help but wonder what would have happened if i'd only applied myself.
  • Budget: for the past 2 years, i've had more than my share of debt to pay. i'm not blaming anyone but myself. i got credit cards to build credit, but at the same time maxing the limits and not paying nothing but the minimums. it's gotten especially hard because not only do i have credit cards to pay down, but i've added a car payment and a cell phone bill to the mix. i do alright living paycheck to paycheck, but i'd like very much so to not have to do that anymore. knowing that i'm waiting until the last second on my phone bill until i can afford it. it's gotten a little out of hand. so my plan for 2010 is to get a few paychecks ahead of the game by watching exactly what i'm spending on what and only buying necessities and putting the rest away. i'm lucky enough that i still live at home and my mom only makes me pay an minimal amount of rent, and she feeds me, so i should be okay when it comes to only buying what i need.
those are the major changes i would like to make for myself in the coming decade. i have a few other minor changes and accomplishments that i would like to make: like finishing all my transfer requirements and transfer to a school around LA to finish my degree; travel to new york city; go to an eric hutchinson show with danielle. in texas. i don't think it'd be the same if she came here. i have to see the look on eric's face when he sees me there; blog more. blog about keeping my resolutions, blog about something that interested me that day. just doing it. i enjoy it. i have no idea if other people read it, but i'm doing for me. anyway that's pretty much all of the resolutions for the new year that i have, but as two spot gobi twittered today "I resolve as I go along, not yearly!..." i can't remember which gobi runs their twitter page, but that seems like sound advice, so i'm putting that down as another resolution. i resolve as i go along, not yearly, so if i find a flaw that needs to be fixed, i'll fix it. i won't wait until january 1 or my birthday or monday or next week, month, decade. i'll resolve it immediately. what are some of your resolutions? feel free to post them in the comments or link to your blog.

<3 justina

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